Open Source TechFinder

Inspired by the AUTM conference, I got inspired to look at some of the common processes techtransfer folks do. Main idea was to try to develop something relatively ‘standalone’ that might address a use case I learned about, so I decided on building a web-based open source techfinder tool to publish licensable technologies. The notion…

Identity and habits

“Your present identity should not constrain your future habits”. For this quote from the audio book “Hello, Habits“. Obviously the book is about ‘habits’, but the phrase could easily have been “Your present identity should not constrain your future self”. In either reading of this, it’s been stuck in my head for while now.  How…

PHP assert not working in Laravel with Sail?

Recently, I hit a weird ‘bug’. The $file was not being created, so I’d added a quick ‘assert’ in the code, and… file_exists($file) was indeed false (checked when stepping through debugger), but assert was not stopping/failing. But… running a simple assert from command line was working. This was something different only when running under the…

Onboarding freelancers

Maari Casey over at uncompany had a recent LinkedIn post about planning for freelancers. She made some good points, but I think skipped one, and it’s not just relevant for freelancers. Even well before an organization might need extra work – be it freelance or employee – companies need to have a plan for onboarding….