Laravel down migrations

I get an email newsletter from Martin Joo every week or so. The newsletters generally have some useful tips around the Laravel framework or sometimes just general development tips. I’ve learned a couple of neat tricks here and there, and will continue to receive. This morning I received an email with a Laravel ‘tip’ regarding…

Four Thousand Weeks

I’m starting to read “Four Thousand Weeks” from Oliver Burkeman. I initially listened to much of the audio book, then bought a copy (link above to Amazon – no affiliate link). Have not finished yet, but the core message of the book seems to be There’s certainly more to it than this, and again, I’m…

laravel bulk imports

Small note, mostly for myself, as a reminder that when doing large imports of data, you may not need each block to be processed as an Eloquent model. That code above would generally be faster as Obviously there are even faster ways – preparing your data in some text format, and using your DB cli…

k as in knife

Many moons ago my earlier version of my blog had this list I use when spelling things for people over the phone. I managed to find it at and thought I’d repost… a as in aisle (or aye) b as in bdellium  c as in czar d as in djibouti e as in eight…

Importance of backups

Well… here we are.  10 years later, and … no backups.  Or… none of the data that’s important. Recently had a drive crash in my main server where this blog is hosted.  Had it happen 2 years ago, but the data was recovered, and I put everything on automatic backups.  Using virtualmin, a great control…

chunked file uploads with plupload

Holy tamole… Have been wrestling with a client project using ‘plupload’ with a user base consistently uploading files from 150-500meg on a daily basis. They’d been uploading to youtube/vimeo mostly, because the experience with the older uploader (still plupload earlier version) was bad – slow, mostly, but some issues about determining whether items were uploaded/processed…