k as in knife

Many moons ago my earlier version of my blog had this list I use when spelling things for people over the phone. I managed to find it at archive.org and thought I’d repost… a as in aisle (or aye) b as in bdellium  c as in czar d as in djibouti e as in eight…

Importance of backups

Well… here we are.  10 years later, and … no backups.  Or… none of the data that’s important. Recently had a drive crash in my main server where this blog is hosted.  Had it happen 2 years ago, but the data was recovered, and I put everything on automatic backups.  Using virtualmin, a great control…

chunked file uploads with plupload

Holy tamole… Have been wrestling with a client project using ‘plupload’ with a user base consistently uploading files from 150-500meg on a daily basis. They’d been uploading to youtube/vimeo mostly, because the experience with the older uploader (still plupload earlier version) was bad – slow, mostly, but some issues about determining whether items were uploaded/processed…

MySQL speed boost

I hit a problem the other day with concurrent queries causing deadlocks.  Using innodb gives you a lot of protection with respect to transaction support, but it carries a moderate amount of overhead, and unless you’re aware of what’s going on, you may be paying a higher price which can eventually cause performance or deadlock…