Is your code portable to subfolders?
Have been dealing with a couple of PHP projects recently which have been a far bigger pain in the backside than I anticipated, and both had some of the same stumbling blocks.
In both cases, and in other projects I’ve seen, there’s a huge assumption that the code will be run from the root of a domain, and all url and routing management have this assumption baked in to everything they touch. What’s the answer? “Just make a new vhost!” typically. Quite a pain, and seems to be a real shortcoming of all(?) major frameworks I’ve looked at of late. I remember being a bit surprised at Zend Framework as far back as 2006(!) having this be the recommended way of building with the framework.
I’ve gotten more used to Java web stuff (or, at least Spring) which respects whatever pathing your app is deployed to.
will redirect to if the code is deployed to, but it will redirect to if the code is deployed to
I recently hit this snag in a PHP project I picked up which uses Slim framework. There are dozens and dozens of URL and route references in multiple files, like
$app->get('/sample-url-path(/)', function() use ($app) {
and there’s no way to just have the code work normally under something like “http://localhost/slimdev/”. I *have* to create a new hostname and vhost just to get this to run. Am I missing a simple global config option someplace that wouldn’t require me to rewrite dozens of lines of code?
Are there any PHP frameworks that can work relatively from a non-root-domain URL invocation?
Perhaps I just need to roll with things, but it makes working with anyone else’s code (even based on a framework) that much harder.
Maybe try grabbing your own code sometime and reinstalling it in a ‘non-traditional’ way, and see how many assumptions you’ve baked in are really necessary, vs just using defaults.